Our humble company originally started back in 1991, when an Apple enthusiast and a PC enthusiast came together to bring Hypercard stacks from the Mac to the portable laptops for a group of engineering school professors, in order to use them for presentations. This was before MacBooks, before PowerPoint, and before the Internet. This was the original definition of "hacking," providing practical solutions for clients at reasonable prices.
Fast forward about 14 years... The company is still coming up with practical solutions for small business owners nationwide. Some of these solutions involve bleeding-edge technology, while others are more practical, using technology that has been around for a good, long while, but nobody has ever heard of before.
On the Internet front, much of the work for this company has been on the Intranet side (the side that your company sees, but not the public) handling order tracking, logistics, packages, products, and services. Many of our clients you have probably heard of, but given our strict privacy policy, we don't disclose them publicly.
Recently we have started working more with web-based, mobile, and hybrid applications, APIs, and other more public technologies. Let us put our past and official experience of implementing practical solutions to work for your company, whether you are a one-person outfit, just getting off the ground, or hitting that administrative plateau where you need some tasks automated and off your shoulders to help your business grow, we can set you up to look like the big boys.
We create websites and hybrid web/mobile apps (apps that you can not only use on your phone, but the full functionality is available on the website, sharing the same data). Essentially we build websites that actually "do stuff," not just display static data. It is not a digital brochure. It is an interactive salesperson, in every sense, and it allows your potential and existing customers the ability to directly interact with your business.
Online retail to tailored service, we create for you a tool to represent your business, in front of the customer, and give them a lasting impression. You can't be everywhere at once, but your website can, and it can handle your light work, while you provide the product.
When we take on a client, it's as though we partner with your company. Your success is our success, so we seek out your process, how you do things, how you interact with clients, what you showcase, and we make all of that available to the client.
For existing clients, we provide a portal, to allow your clients to get immediate service or assistance with their product or service. A digital help desk of sorts.
Over the past 15 years alone, we have fielded many clients, most of whom still use our systems today in an intranet capacity, mainly for logistics, to track product creation, and to track quality of service before, during, and after the sale.